Sunday, July 22, 2007

It's funny the conversations you can have with your nearest and dearest. We were sitting in Kirkby Lonsdale churchyard on our wedding anniversary dicussing the length of ladders! Is the stated length of a ladder its extended length or the height it reaches up a building taking into account the angle of inclination? Needless to say my confusion of some time was ended by the incisive wisdom of HS and now I can proceed with confidence - but still an element of caution as I ponder the height of bloked gutters and flaking weather boards. Every onwards, ever upwards!!


Blogger Lala said...

you are a very strange man, i love how ur brain works haha. its obvisously a perfect conversation for a wedding anniversary as ladders are such a romantic topic......!


5:46 AM  
Blogger Yorkshire Sar (aka Bunny) said...

hmm..i agree with are a strange man but we love you anyway lol

I think its the essay writing...its makes the thoughts go a bit tupsy turvy!


7:34 AM  
Blogger D Baynham said...

Hmmm you never did say what the outcome of the convocation have left us in the air, please do tell?

2:44 AM  

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